Fighting for Fairness: AFSCME Texas Retirees Push for a 13th Check and a COLA Adjustment at the Legislature
For more than two decades, Texas state retirees have been waiting for a well-deserved pension increase. Since 2001—when Rick Perry was in his first months as governor—retirees have gone without a boost to their pensions, even as the cost of living has skyrocketed by 78%. The rising cost of essentials like food, housing, and healthcare has made it harder than ever for retirees to make ends meet.
That’s why AFSCME Texas Retirees is fighting at the Capitol to demand action.

Retiree Groups Join Forces to Add a 13th Check
Last week, eight separate State of Texas retiree groups joined forces and called upon Gov. Abbott to add a 13th check to the special session’s call.

Fighting for a 13th Check During and After the Special Session
We’ve reached out to Gov. Abbott urging him to include a 13, the check for ERS recipients, to the call of this month's legislative session. For more than two decades, we’ve seen our pensions and benefits as retired State of Texas employees remain stagnant without receiving the crucial COLA we deserve. The challenges of living in an ever-changing world have only grown. It's high time our leaders recognize the invaluable contributions we made to Texas and ensure our pensions can support us during the retirement we’ve earned.

Not Giving Up on a 13th Check — Your Feedback is Needed
Your experiences and stories are powerful tools in our fight for a 13th check and your financial security in retirement.

Let’s Elect Leaders Who Back a 13th Check and COLA
The 88th Texas Legislature has yet again failed to approve a 13th check for State of Texas Retirees.

VIDEO: Retirees Fight for a 13th Check at the Capitol
AFSCME members have been visiting lawmakers in the Texas Capitol to fight for a 13th check for you. Check out our recent lobby day.

Advocating on Behalf of a 13th Check
We need your voices to be heard by our state leaders, urging them to include a 13th check.