13 Ways a “13th Check Helps: No. 3 – While We Wait for a COLA

Texas took the first step last year toward giving retired state workers their first Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) in two decades when it committed to investing $510 million per year in the Employees Retirement System (ERS).

But it was only the first step. An actual COLA won’t come until that long-term investment makes our pension plan actuarily sound. So a COLA could be years away — if it comes at all.

Unfortunately, that won’t help Retirees today as they deal with the pain of historic global inflation every day.

But there is something state lawmakers can do today — even before a COLA is on the table.

Texas has enough money in its budget to provide a 13th check to all retired state workers next year, just like retired teachers have gotten. Instead of tax breaks for corporations, the Legislature should help retired public servants who spent their careers making Texas safer, stronger, and healthier. 

A 13th check would make good on the state’s commitment to these longtime workers day in and day out — even while they wait for a long-overdue COLA.

Be sure you register to vote and find out about joining AFSCME Texas Retirees so you can make a difference.


The November Elections and a 13th Check from ERS


13 Ways a “13th Check Helps: No. 2 – Learning from Texas Teachers